Set your interests such as your favorite subjects, interests, hobbies, and career goals, and we will pair you with the next steps you need to succeed.
An ever-growing database of scholarship and financial aid opportunities, including the option to filter scholarships based on your unique qualifications, background, and needs.
Scroll through your dream universities and learn more instantly with the press of a button. Our application helps students gain access to virtual, in-depth looks at their schools of choice.
Through first- and third-party efforts and partnerships, GradApp is consistently adding to our growing pool of crowd-sourced financial aid for the students who entrust us to guide them through their next phase of life.
Up-to-date information and resources pertaining to your considered career paths. We help you master the art of executing your plan and getting to the next chapter of life.
Browse our application and find your next school or scholarship from the convenience of your mobile phone tablet or laptop. Anytime, anywhere, no exceptions.
Any student can become a master. They just need the right guidance.
Find relevant and up-to-date information on your desired career. Through video content, blogs, news articles, and volunteer career professionals who have experienced exactly what you are chasing.
There is an endless number of factors that can go into deciding which college is truly the best fit for you. With the help of alumni, extensive research, and connections with universities all across America and beyond, we can help you find the perfect university for you.
Crowd-sourced funding for university aide paired with third-party partnerships. We are committed to optimizing aid opportunities for the next generation of scholars.
Through generous donations, sponsorships, and partnerships, we have been able to build our source of aid that is available to the young scholars who use our platform. Our system acts as an additional tool in the belt of a student who is looking for any and all financial assistance for higher learning.
Through machine learning and algorithmic updates, we tailor your scholarship suggestions to your specific backgrounds. Regardless of what your past may be or what your future may look like, our mission is always to help you exceed your dreams.